
Bedford 01234 714 555
St Albans 01727 821 765

Play Bark


Ideal for building a play area or play pit for children, this bark will provide a soft landing. It has great aesthetic appeal as well and is perfect for balancing safety with style. The play bark which we supply is totally geared up for protection – it satisfies British safety regulations and is sprayed with an anti-fungal formula to prevent harmful spores.

All bagged products purchased without turf will be delivered as a PM delivery unless we have confirmed otherwise, this is to ensure that turf and similar products are sent out on our first deliveries to ensure freshness.

Please Note: Orders for delivery need to be a minimum of 1 BULK BAG

Quantity (Bulk Bags)

Our Play Bark is the ideal soft-landing surface for school playgrounds, public outdoor children’s playgrounds or a play area within your domestic garden or communal area. Play bark offers a soft and aesthetically appealing solution for outdoor play locations.   

Our bark is a by-product of our trusted timber suppliers, reusing and recycling the left-over bark from trees. It is then cleaned, treated and filtered to ensure safety and longevity before being bagged and delivered to our warehouse. With a light, chocolate brown shading, play bark provides a visually appealing finish and effective covering for any surface.  

How To Order 

To order bark for your outdoor space, click the dropdown below to select the required bags. Contact us if you require more information. 

All bagged products purchased without turf will be delivered as a PM delivery unless we have confirmed otherwise. This is so turf and similar products are sent out on our first deliveries to ensure freshness. 

Safety First 

Our bark has been prepared with protection in mind and meets British Safety Regulations. Our bark is cleaned and treated with an anti-fungal formula to prevent harmful spores, making it safe and suitable for use in the playground area and for kids and pets to walk over it.  

Benefits of Play Bark 

For years, play bark has been a popular and go-to option for playgrounds. GDT’s Play Bark is a great choice for your play area as it brings with it numerous advantages, including: 

  • A safe surface for kids and pets 
  • Provides a soft landing within play areas 
  • Creates definition within your outdoor space 
  • Visually appealing 
  • Easy to handle and manoeuvre  
  • A cost-effective solution for surfacing 
  • Minimal wood dust and fines 

George Davies Turf sources one of the best Pine Bark products in the Country. We have it screened so the Bark is between 30 – 60 mm making sure it’s made up with a very minimal amount of dust and fines as well as only a 5% content of white wood.

Our Play Bark is absolutely ideal for busy public playgrounds and domestic play areas where both aesthetics and safety are extremely important. The Play Bark is attractive but also has great impact -absorbing properties. Depending on the depth of Play Bark laid down the critical fall height can increase from 1.5 metres to over 4 metres if the depth of product is increased from 100 mm to around 300mm. The product is suitable for a wide range of play equipment but please check the critical fall height with the equipment manufacturer before you place your order.

All of our Bark is FSC certified. Play Bark is made from managed forests and recycled sources. As a product of this you can be confident of how our Bark Mulch is produced giving you peace of mind that we are supporting a sustainable process.

At George Davies Turf, the product is only half the story, the delivery and the after service is what completes our service. We believe we have the method that makes for an experience where you are looked after from the moment you call about our products, right through to taking delivery and beyond that with our aftercare.

All of our products are delivered with lorry mounted forklift trucks, enabling us to place the bags exactly (within reason) where you want them to be. Gravel drives, long narrow tracks along with placing the bags around the back of the house is not a problem. The only limitations we have are high fences and the width of the areas – we also allow for a 9ft x 9ft access.

We as a company attempt to try and make your life as easy as possible, we offer the option to hold the bags so you can split, allowing the bark to be left in a pile or dotted around n area – we only ask you come equipped with a sharp knife.