Grass Seed vs Turf: What is best?

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Grass Seed vs Turf: What is best?

October 10, 2023      Seed TipsTurf Tips

Are you looking to create a prize-winning garden, or simply desire a luscious lawn that completes the look of your outdoor space but don’t know where to start? One question we’re always asked in how to achieve this is, is it better to use grass seed or turf?

There’s no right or wrong answer to this question but your choice can be influenced by several factors: your type of soil, budget, how long it takes grass seed to grow, project deadlines or general preference. Luckily, grass seed and turf offer a variety of options to suit your landscaping project, but both require maintenance work before, during and after being laid

To help you decide which option is best for you, this article pulls together the advantages and disadvantages of grass seed or turf.


Grass Seed Advantages

  • Ideal for damaged or bald grass patches
  • Better suited for smaller areas
  • Can be applied at a convenient time for you
  • It tends to be the cheaper option
  • You can choose the right seed mix for your soil type
  • Available in large quantities which can be stored for a long time


Grass Seed Disadvantages

  • Tends to be a longer process (around 3-4 months)
  • Requires more maintenance during germination
  • Heavy rain can wash seeds away
  • Birds might munch on your seeds
  • Can create uneven surfaces if not applied correctly
  • An expensive option for large areas

Turf Advantages

  • A quicker process
  • Instant results and green grass from day 1
  • Ready to use lawn in 3-6 weeks
  • High-quality turf (especially from George Davies Turf)
  • Guaranteed delivery time for turf


Turf Disadvantages

  • The more expensive option
  • Fresh turf has a short shelf-life
  • Meaning turf needs to be laid quickly
  • A time-consuming and manual process



Your soil plays an important part

No matter which option you go for, grass seed or turf, good quality and well-drained soil is essential for a healthy lawn. To avoid wasting your investment, you need to ensure your soil is fully prepared and ready to anchor in new grass roots. 

If you sow seeds on compacted soil, the seeds will dry out before they can begin to germinate. Therefore, you’ll waste valuable time and money with both methods if you don’t put time and energy into ensuring your soil is fit for purpose.



Staying Hydrated 

Along with nutrient-rich soil comes regular watering of your new grass seeds or turf. Once scattered, grass seeds need to remain wet during the germination stage for the best results. As well as a lot of care and attention over the following months as the roots establish and the blades begin to grow. 

Freshly laid turf also needs to be regularly watered. Depending on the weather, new turf should be watered daily for its first week and 2-3 times within the proceeding weeks. Obviously, if it’s raining, then the weatherman has saved you a job and some money! For more top tips, read our blog on how often you should water new turf



Looking to Buy Grass Seed or New Turf?

Whether you invest in high-quality grass seeds from a reputable manufacturer or fresh, premium turf from a leading supplier, the best way to minimise your outgoings is by “getting it right first time; giving your lawn the love and care it deserves to thrive. To minimise wasted time and money, get in touch with our team of experts.


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