Getting Rid of Ant Hills

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How Do I Get Rid of Ant Hills in My Lawn?

July 19, 2023     

Ants are well known for their impressive strength, especially when working in unison, however, they can also cause major problems. As many homeowners will know all too well, ants will not only leave your lawn looking a little worse for wear with mounds of dirt, but large ant nests can cause root damage to the grass. The good news is that with a little effort, you can eliminate ant hills and prevent them from returning. Below, we’ve detailed a few tips to help you out.

Why do ants build hills?

Ants are highly organised social insects that thrive in colonies. These industrious creatures live in nests, commonly known as ant hills, which serve as their central hub to provide protection and shelter to the colony. The intricate tunnels help regulate temperature, humidity, and airflow. Each nest contains several chambers and tunnels for different purposes, including nurseries, storing food, and housing the Queen Ant.

Can ant hills damage my lawn?

Yes, ants can wreak havoc on your lawn. Their relentless digging and mound-building can seriously harm the structure of your grass, making it difficult for vital nutrients, oxygen, and water to reach the roots. This can lead to a lack of growth and unsightly discolouration throughout your turf. And watch out for patches of dead grass where ants have been snacking on the roots to fuel their colonies – it can all add up to one bumpy, unsightly lawn.

What are the methods of getting rid of ant hills?

The most effective way to remove an ant hill is to physically remove it from the ground using a shovel or your own hands (please use gloves!). Spread the soil evenly to avoid damaging your lawn, then dig deep into the nest and apply ant killer powder granules. The granules can be diluted in water and poured over the ants or used as bait for them to feed on and return to their nest, which may be more effective in the long run.

Once you’ve applied the ant powder, it’s best to wait a few hours before raking or filling the hole with soil. To ensure the ants won’t return, sprinkle an even layer of ant killer powder on and around the nest.

If you’re seeking a plant-based repellent, we highly recommend you add mint, pennyroyal or tansy to your garden, as these all have natural repellent properties that ants dislike. Planting these around your lawn or near ant-prone areas can help deter ants from building mounds.

How can I prevent ant hills from returning?

In some instances, it is impossible to eliminate ants in one swoop as they are stubborn creatures that may find their way back to their nest. That said, there are ways to stop them from building nests in the first place. Ant bait stations are a powerful method for keeping them away; by placing a few stations around the perimeter of your garden, you can prevent these troublesome insects from ruining your lawn.

Ant bait stations contain a mixture of poisons or insecticides that attract ants and discourage them from settling in one place for too long. The poison eliminates existing colonies before they can expand and prevents new families from forming, especially if you maintain regular baiting throughout the year. These products are relatively inexpensive and easy to use.

Ant hills can be a nuisance and cause extensive damage to your garden if left unchecked. But with the correct preventative measures, you can eradicate ant issues quickly and efficiently. To learn more about how you can keep your lawn looking fresh and luscious, contact George Davies Turf today.


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