Buy Species Rich Turf

Bedford 01234 714 555 | St Albans 01727 821 765

Species Rich Turf

AS LOW AS £16.50 PER m2

Want to change your garden year after year with minimal maintenance? Wildflower Turf creating a meadow lawn could be the answer for you.

Biodiversity is the buzzword and as landscapers and garden owners are becoming increasingly environmentally aware Wildflower Turf has become one of our most popular products. We have built relationships with several suppliers to source the very best Wildflower Turf to be delivered direct to your door. As well as being a stunning splash of colour to add to your garden, Wildflower Turf is a pollinator’s dream and will be a firm favourite with the birds and the bees in your garden too.


Please Note: Orders for delivery need to be a minimum of 10 m2

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Are you looking for a lawn that is more biodiverse than a traditional formal lawn? A wildflower Species Rich Turf could be the answer for you.  

Species Rich Turf is the midpoint between having a formal striped lawn and a totally untamed wildflowering area. It is a mixture of both wildflowers and grasses. From a distance Species Rich Turf will look like a formal lawn with splashes of colour and small flowers in it. It is very natural in appearance and will rapidly increase the biodiversity for all the creepy crawlies and bugs that call your garden home.   

The great thing about this Turf is that it doesn’t need to be mown as often as a regular lawn, you can do that if you wish, or you can allow the turf to grow longer as this only increases habit and allows the flowers within the mix to flourish further. A lawn area that is mown less means less work for you in the long run.

The Benefits

  • They provide food for our Spiders, Butterflies, Bees & other pollinators
  • Suitable for SUDs areas
  • It helps boost the number of pollinators
  • It helps people connect with nature, improving general wellbeing
  • They can slow general erosion and help water penetration!
  • Minimal lawn maintenance

Use our calculators to get delivery cost or select collection. Not sure? Give us a call, we are here to help.

How often do I cut Species Rich Turf?

It depends on the local conditions in which the turf is grown and the overall look you want it to have. Some will mow it twice a month to keep it trim with more of the grasses showing through. Others will leave it as long as 8 weeks between cuts to let more of the flowers in the mix come through.


Do I need to remove the plant material from Species Rich Turf after a cut?

Yes. Its important to remove the organic matter as it promotes good airflow, allows the lawn to breathe. Utilise a collection box on the back of your lawn mower.


How big is a Species Rich Turf?

It is harvested in slabs of 0.8m x 1.2m; although each slab is slightly under 1 m2, we sell it in full m2 and will send just over your required amount to the nearest full slab. EG, if you order 30m2, we will send 32 slabs making 30.72m2


Species sowing mix:

Latin Name Common Name Perennial/Annual
Achullea Millefolium Yarrow Perennial
Stachys Betony Perennial
Trifolium Pratense Wild Red Clover Perennial
Centaurea Nigra Common Knapweed Perennial
Ranunculus Acris Meadow Buttercup Perennial
Chamaemelum Nobile Treneague Lawn Chamomile Perennial
Galium Verum Lady’s Bedstraw Perennial
Ranunculus Bulbosus Bulbous Buttercup Perennial
Anthyllis Vulneraria Kidney Vetch Perennial
Reseda Lutea Wild Mignotte Perennial
Linaria Vulgaris Toadflax Perennial
Trifolium Repens White Clover Perennial
Hypochaeris Radicata Catsear Bi-Annual
Bellis Perennis Common Daisy Perennial
Leontodon Hispidus Rough Hawkbit Perennial
Leucanthemum Vulgare Oxeye Daisy Perennial
Lotus Corniculatus  

Bird’s Foot Trefoil

Prunella Vulgaris Selfheal Perennial
Rhinanthus Minor Yellow Rattle Annual
Plantago Lanceolata Ribwort Plantain Perennial
Poterium Sanguisorba Salad Burnet Perennial
Alopecurus Pratensis Meadow Foxtail Grass
Phleum Bertolonii Small Leaved Timothy Grass
Trisetum Flavescens Yellow Oatgrass Grass
Agrostis Capillaris Browntop Bent Grass
Lolium Perenne Perennial Rye Grass
Festuca Rubra Litoralis Slender Creeping Red Fescue Grass
Festuca Rubra Commutata Chewings Fescue Grass
Cynosurus Cristatus Crested Dogstail Grass
Festuca Ovina Hard Fesuce Grass