Announcing our new charity partnership

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Announcing our new charity partnership

December 01, 2022     

We have announced a new charity partnership which aims to raise thousands of pounds to help children in East Africa escape a life of poverty.

George Davies Turf will be supporting ‘Empowering Kids in Kenya’ – a charity which provides a completely free secondary school education to children in Bombolulu, a suburb of Mombasa, one of Kenya’s poorest cities. These children simply could not afford to go to school without 100% sponsorship.


The ongoing partnership will include regular monthly donations and a series of fundraisers by the George Davies Turf team to help finance the finishing touches to a new secondary school building and pay for uniforms, food and teaching materials for five young people.

George Davies, our founder and managing director, said: “George Davies Turf turned 21 this year and is rapidly growing. We had been looking for a charity partner for some time to give back to a worthwhile cause, and then I met Sally who is the charity’s Chair of Trustees. I was absolutely blown away by her commitment and dedication to giving these youngsters a chance in life, and I knew ‘Empowering Kids in Kenya’ would be the perfect choice for us to get behind as a team.

“I have five children of my own too, so they will be heavily involved as well. We will all be able to meet the kids via video calls in the coming weeks and months to build a bond which will be really exciting for everyone to see the difference we are making. This is just the beginning though. We see this as a long-term partnership and are aiming to raise thousands over the years.”

‘Empowering Kids in Kenya’ is close to completing its ambitious secondary school building which will lead to a two-tier school system in Bombolulu, enabling children in the area to stay in education until the age of 15 for the first time.

Sally Searle, Chair of Trustees at ‘Empowering Kids in Kenya’ added: “We want nothing more as a charity than to be able to give children in one of the poorest areas of Kenya the opportunity to reach their full potential and a chance to break the cycle of extreme poverty, but we rely on fundraising and donations to make a difference.

“We just need another £50,000 to make the next part of our dream come true, and we are so very grateful to George, his family, and the George Davies Turf team for their generosity. Their ongoing support will make such a huge impact and will give these children a brighter future and a real chance to thrive.”

For more information and to donate to Empowering Kids in Kenya visit:


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