Householders Turf Supplies

Bedford 01234 714 555 | St Albans 01727 821 765


If you are a private house owner that requires a good lawn then we can help. Our trident turf is a hardwearing, weed free fully cultivated turf grown on the free draining sands of North Lincolnshire. It is a mixture of Fescues, Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass and Dwarf Perennial Rye Grass.

The Ryegrass is a very modern generation and is not to be confused with the ryegrasses used in agriculture. The new varieties are fine leafed and provide good colour turf all year round they also have a high level of disease resistance and are hardwearing so can tolerate dogs and heavy traffic on the turf. The smooth Stalked Meadow grass also provides good tensile strength to improve further its hardwearing characteristics, whereas the Fescues are very fine looking and provide a great filler between the two other hard wearing grasses to give the lawn a well balanced fine textured look.

If you are wondering why we don’t sell a very fine predominately Fescue based turf, the answer is that the higher the percentage of Fescue you have, the higher the disease pressure will be. It also needs scarifying on a regular basis and doesn’t keep its colour very well during the winter months. So in general it requires a lot more maintenance than our conventional trident turf.

The turf is cut at a depth of around 15 - 20mm and each roll measures 5ft long x 2ft wide (approx 160cm x 60cm) which equals 1 metre squared.



Although we supply large golf courses and estates. We know that gardens are getting smaller. We'll happily supply a few rolls or even one roll at a time for use for patching and mending or covering a flower bed. However please be advised that small quantities of turf will have to be collected (not delivered) from either our Olney or St. Albans depot.

Whatever the size of order - we'll look after you.

We've invested in special equipment to enable us to make deliveries of the turf into all sorts of nooks and crannies easy.

With traffic levels as they are, finely timed deliveries will become ever more difficult. However in our business, we take the upmost pride in turning up exactly when we say we will. And if we do get held up for any reason, we make sure you are kept informed at all times.


Residential Products