Can Turf be Laid in The Rain?

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Can Turf be Laid in The Rain?

March 13, 2023     

British weather during spring can be relatively mixed. Temperatures gradually rise, but there is no guarantee we will not experience a shower or two. What does this mean for people looking to lay turf? Generally, it’s absolutely fine to lay turf on a rainy day, you just need to make sure you’ve done your soil preparation before you order your turf, you have laying boards to work from, and a coat!

Shower power: Why rain can be helpful when laying turf

If you’ve prepared your soil properly, wet weather can be hugely beneficial when laying turf, especially if it’s a light shower or drizzle, because you won’t have to worry about the turf drying out. The soil is also easier to work with, which makes it easier to cut and shape the turf to fit the contours of the ground. Another potential perk is that the moisture from the rain helps the grass roots establish in the soil quicker whilst reducing the need for additional watering.

Preparation is everything, whatever the weather

We know it’s not always possible to plan for the weather, however, when laying high-quality turf, it’s crucial to make sure you’ve prepared the soil as best you can. From removing old turf to turning over the soil, clearing debris, raking over the ground, lightly rolling the surface and adding top-quality topsoil (at least 15cm), you can ensure that the turf will be laid on a nutritious, even and firm base. With some good preparation, laying turf in the rain can be achieved without any risk to the overall performance of your lawn. By planning ahead, keeping a close eye on any potential weather warnings and putting in the work to get your topsoil right, your new lawn will be laid and looking luscious in no time – even when it’s raining!

Do you continue watering your lawn when it’s laid?

Yes, it’s important to continue watering your lawn after it’s laid, ideally at least twice a day in warm weather (preferably morning and evening) until it is well established. If rain is on the way and you’re wondering whether additional watering is necessary, carefully lift the corner of one roll of turf and check the soil underneath. If the soil looks dry, then it will need further watering. Remember, a newly laid turf needs consistent watering for the first few weeks to establish strong roots, so don’t be tempted to reduce watering too quickly unless you’re sure the roots have established and bedded in.

If rain does cause compaction, what can I do?

If you have recently laid a lawn but are concerned by the amount of water that has fallen, it’s essential to check for soil compaction. If the turf is depressed and you can see footprints after walking, it’s crucial to aerate the lawn by pushing the prongs of a garden fork deep into the grass at regular intervals to open air channels. You will then invite more air, water and nutrients to penetrate the soil and reach the roots of your grass.

The rain does not need to be a pain when laying your new lawn. At George Davies Turf, we know how crucial it is to prepare correctly, have a plan of action and a timely delivery of high-quality turf – and that’s why we ensure our customers receive their turf quickly and in perfect condition, ready for immediate transplantation. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, or have any questions or concerns about laying turf in the rain, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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