Rented Property Garden Ideas

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Rented Property Garden Ideas

October 18, 2022     

We understand it might be tricky to make roots in a rental property; you don’t know how long you’ll be there, or you’re unsure what you can and can’t change. But if you’re lucky enough to have an outdoor space, no matter the size, there are so many benefits that come with making the most of your own personal Eden.

What Does it Mean When Grass is Dormant?

August 16, 2022     

Like all of us, grass and plants struggle with the heat, especially when there’s a lack of water. The first half of this year has officially been the driest since 1976; receiving only a fifth of the rainfall we’d usually expect. Which essentially means we’ve missed out on 2-3 months worth of rain. A visible reaction to this is that our lawns start to look more like the Sahara Desert rather than the rainforest green we’d prefer. So why has our grass changed colour?

New Year, New Garden – Put the wheels in motion this January

January 03, 2022     

As we are now into the new year, now is the perfect time to start considering your gardening resolutions, starting the new year on the front foot.

Let’s get in the garden for half term and bring the kids!

October 20, 2020     

The last couple of weeks have been miserable and wet. So hopefully we get to enjoy a dry week to be back outside.

With the half term upon us, having some time at home with the kids. We don’t want to get to next spring after the cold and wet winter weather and realise everything is dead. Autumn has arrived and leaves are starting to fall everywhere making the garden look untidy. To stop this from happening we have put together a few things to do to maintain your garden. Keeping it nice and clean ready for spring next year.

Your New Year Plans

January 18, 2019     

We’ve said goodbye to the festive season for another year and it’s back to reality with a bump. You may be feeling some of the dreaded January blues but it’s also a good time to start planning for the year ahead, including what you’re going to be doing with your outside space.

The Calm After The Storm?

March 09, 2018     

If you live in the UK, chances are you will have been battered by some adverse weather recently. So now that the snow has mostly melted and the winds have calmed (somewhat), how can you get your lawn ship shape and your spring maintenance back on track?

Rain, Rain – Go Away!

February 09, 2018     

Whilst a nasty rainfall doesnt provide the greatest motivation to actually get stuck into the gardening, it certainly doesnt mean you can’t do anything out there.

New Year, New Garden?

January 12, 2018     

Is now the time to start thinking about giving your garden a makeover ready for summer? Here at George Davies Turf we are not only purveyors of the finest turf in the Home Counties, but we also provide several other outstanding products that will aid you in sprucing up your garden. 

Lawn fungus treatment – How to get rid of fungi in my garden?

August 11, 2017     

So you’ve spent time and money on buying and laying your new turf and other bits to make your garden the envy of all your friends and now disaster has struck – you have found mushrooms growing amongst your beautiful lawn!