December 17, 2018 Product Spotlight
As you may or may not know, we also sell a range of other products that can aid you in taking care of your turf and other parts of your garden. One of these is bark mulch/ chippings which can be used throughout your garden/ outdoor space in a few different ways; we’ve explored some of these within this article.
February 23, 2018 Product Spotlight
When it comes to turf, it’s not just a case of natural or artificial; there are actually several different types of turf that we offer to our customers. Depending on what it is you are exactly looking for, and the environment you are looking to put it on will make a difference in the type of turf you should be buying, and it can be confusing.
October 20, 2017 Product Spotlight, Soil Tips
How can Topsoil help you and why should you be buying it?
May 19, 2017 Product Spotlight, Turf Tips
Whilst we stock various product lines here at GDT, from Millboard decking to topsoils and fertilisers , turf will always remain our flagship item and primary passion. Over the years, we have noticed an increase in demand for artificial grass too, so it’s a really good thing that we sell both! It’s difficult to perform a side by side comparison as there are many reasons for using both but nonetheless it’s important to be able to recognise the positives and negatives for both artificial and natural turf so that you can make the right decision when buying. So what are the key strengths and weaknesses of each that you should bear in mind?