How And When To Fertilise Your Lawn

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How And When To Fertilise Your Lawn

July 02, 2024     

Garden lawns are exposed to a lot of wear and tear, especially during the summer months: kids playing, pets sunbathing, family BBQs, and get-togethers with friends. And that’s before we mention the lawn care of mowing, edging, and de-weeding. It goes through a lot!  

How To Reseed A Lawn In The Spring 

May 14, 2024     

Post winter, your lawn and garden can look a bit tired and stressed. It’s been through a lot: strong winds, blistering frosts, and continuous downpours. Sometimes, lawns will revive themselves, and you only need to give them a fresh cut to prepare them for spring.

When To Overseed Your Lawn

May 13, 2024     

Overseeding can sound like a bad thing, but in fact, it’s an easy, proven, and cost-effective way to give your lawn a much-needed boost. Everyone from amateur gardeners to professional landscapers overseeds, and every type of grass may well benefit from overseeding your garden at one time or another. 

Grass Seed vs Turf: What is best?

October 10, 2023      Seed Tips, Turf Tips

Are you looking to create a prize-winning garden, or simply desire a luscious lawn that completes the look of your outdoor space but don’t know where to start? One question we’re always asked in how to achieve this is, is it better to use grass seed or turf?

How Long Does Grass Seed Take To Grow?

September 18, 2023      Seed Tips

Whether you’re looking to repair a few bald patches in your existing turf or produce a whole lawn from seed, sowing grass seed is a fantastic and cost-effective way to grow fresh grass. In this article, we talk you through what grass seed is and how it produces a hard-wearing turf, as well as the best time to sow grass seed..

How Do I keep Birds from Eating My Grass Seed?

June 04, 2023      Seed Tips

Birds will naturally be drawn to soft fruits as well as suitable seeds and grains like Nyjer, millet, oats, and sunflower seeds over grass seeds. By placing these treats around the perimeter of your lawn, you will give them something else to snack on and distract them from your newly sowed lawn.

Why Does My Lawn Need Seeding & Fertilising?

October 29, 2021      Seed Tips

Here at George Davies Turf, we’re often asked whether a combination of lawn seed and fertiliser will deliver impressive results, particularly for people looking to thicken up thin areas and create a vibrant and luscious lawn.

Is it too early to talk about spring?

March 01, 2019      Seed Tips, Spring Tips

Spring is a really good time to get your garden looking great ahead of the warmer summer months so that you can kick back with a beer and enjoy the fruits of your labour, rather than wishing you had done more. So, what should you be thinking about in terms of lawncare?

Feeding and Fertilising – Five Key Points

February 18, 2019      Seed Tips, Spring Tips, Turf Tips

Feeding and fertilising are really important parts of the standard lawn care routine; they’re like the bread and butter of ensuring that your turf is healthy and thriving. They should form part of your lawncare routine all year round but when the weather begins to turn as we head towards spring it becomes particularly important. So, what are five of the ‘need to knows’ when it comes to feeding and fertilising?