Lawn Turf & Top Soil Suppliers

Bedford 01234 714 555 | St Albans 01727 821 765

Meet our landscaper on the inside – Mark Mills

June 26, 2024     

Despite only being with the business for two and a half years, Mark brings a unique advantage and specialist quality to the role having previously managed his own landscaping business for seven years.

Meet Nicolle – Welcome to our award-winning customer service team

June 26, 2024     

Despite only being with George Davies Turf since 2023, Nicolle has completed a full season and understands the intricate changes and challenges facing our customers month by month. Working closely with our office and yard teams, she has developed a unique insight and specialised knowledge in turf and can advise on the many variables involved for ensuring its quality and efficiency.

Meet Matt, GDT’s Innovations Manager

June 20, 2024     

In a couple of months, Matt McNamara will be celebrating his fifth year with GDT and at just 27 years old, he has quite an impressive career journey to share.

Meet Julie Drage – GDT’s Account and Credit Controller

June 03, 2024     

Creativity and a passion for numbers don’t always go hand in hand, but GDT’s Account and Credit Controller Julie Drage breaks the mould in more ways than one. From a young age Julie spent many years living in pubs with her parents which saw her helping out with the finances and socialising with customers.