Covid-19 July 21 Update

Bedford 01234 714 555 | St Albans 01727 821 765

Covid-19 July 21 Update

July 20, 2021     

Dear customer,

Following the Government’s announcement to remove all restrictions as from the 19th July 2021, we have decided that in the best interests of our staff and our customers we shall be carrying on with our procedures until further notice –

We are maintaining our social distancing and hygiene measures to protect our colleagues and customers:

  • So our sales counters remain closed for general enquiries, and the yards are open but for only prepaid collections until further notice. You will be able to make orders via phone or email.  This way customers and colleagues can remain safe and help not to spread this very transmissible virus. The rules displayed in both yards MUST be adhered to at all times, and masks to be worn while on our premises, our drivers have adopted a safe distance delivery method to ensure both parties remain apart – customers won’t need to physically sign for deliveries, instead our drivers will take a photo of the delivered items and will sign on the customer’s behalf.

Our decision is based on limiting the risks to our colleagues and customers health and wellbeing. 

Thank you for your support and understanding through these difficult and uncertain times.

George Davies

Managing Director

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