GDT Driver Case Study – Jamie Bruton

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GDT Driver Case Study – Jamie Bruton

August 24, 2023     

Meet the ‘fixer’ and all-round turf hero – Jamie Bruton

Jamie Bruton has been a driver with GDT since November 2019 and there’s not a lot he doesn’t know about engines. With a passion for fixing things and a self-taught mechanic, Jamie is often referred to as the ‘fixer’ in the office and is regularly called upon by his colleagues for advice on all manner of tasks.

With a background in landscaping, he brings a great deal of knowledge and experience to his role having done an apprenticeship completing a level 2 national diploma in Horticulture and spending 10 years working for two well-known landscaping companies before joining GDT.

It’s this knowledge, practical experience and inquisitive nature that make Jamie a great employee,  team player and much liked by his colleagues and customers and some of the many reasons he was voted as Employee of the Year in 2022.

Jamie said, “In my previous roles I’d driven lots of vehicles and plant machinery and realised this was a route I wanted to focus on. I decided to take my class 1 and 2 licences and during my tests I contacted George Davies to enquire about a driving position.

“I’d used GDT for turf supplies previously and I liked George’s attitude and positivity and it felt like a good place to work. Despite being offered a job closer to home, I took up a driving role with GDT in November 2019 and I haven’t looked back since.”

After just a year of joining GDT, Jamie was approached about having a second role in the office to support the sales team and manage customer enquiries.

George Davies said, “Sometimes in life people just need a break and this has certainly happened to Jamie. The way he has grown in the last 4 years is testament to his attitude and his willingness to embrace new challenges, not all of which he has found easy. In fact, we have challenged him to go out of his comfort zone on numerous occasions , the benefit of doing this is to see his confidence grow from within and his ability to deal with various situations is now first class. Jamie came along as an inexperienced HGV driver and is now a complete rock in the business and a wonderful team player who genuinely cares for each and every one of his colleagues. Jamie you’re a cracker and GDT is very lucky you found us.”

Like his fellow drivers, every day is different for Jamie, from putting sales and orders through and acting as Fleet Compliance Assistant in the office, to delivering turf up and down the country and switching from truck to forklift when needed.

When asked what he enjoys most about working for GDT, Jamie said, “Our trucks get a lot of attention from people as they are easily recognisable. They are great to drive and are highly customised and as a result we take a lot of pride in them.

“GDT is very family orientated, everyone knows everyone and we look out for each other and are all extremely passionate about providing great customer service. I like being there for the rest of the team, not just at work but on a personal level too. I also think it’s great that George lets everyone have a say in the business, not just the management.

”Our clients are a great bunch too, they really appreciate you going the extra mile, from kerbside deliveries to continued communication from the drivers which is great for staff morale.”

Jamie has represented the company at two high-profile events this year already displaying tremendous professionalism and confidence, and with future development plans in place there is no doubt he will continue to act as one of the faces of GDT.

Outside of work Jamie enjoys playing video games, visiting car shows, learning more about engines and spending time with his two-year old daughter.  With the continued support of his colleagues he has also undertaken a recent health kick and is now a regular gym goer.

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