New Year, New Turf

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New Year, New Turf

December 23, 2019      Turf Tips

A time for action, not deliberation…

If a vibrant green lawn is something you feel your garden is lacking, why not start the year with a bang and place your order of fresh turf as soon as possible? You can then begin to focus on your many other New Year’s resolutions and finally make the most of your home, inside and out.

Contrary to popular belief, it can actually be very beneficial to invest in a new lawn during cold months like January and February. Firstly, it means a huge reduction in maintenance. For example, there is no need to water the lawn as the British weather will take care of this for you, whilst you can also avoid mowing the lawn during this time too, especially when it has rained heavily. It’s often a case of letting nature “run its course”. So if you lay your new lawn in January, it’s completely hassle-free and means you can enjoy the lawn when you spend more time outdoors, such as May, June, July and August.


Colder months do require some careful considerations

There are just a few considerations to keep in mind if you do decide to opt for a new lawn early next year, such as:

  • Avoid walking on frozen grass as it breaks the blades.
  • Don’t let snow pile up on your lawn as it could encourage mold growth.
  • If you do decide to mow, do so with caution – avoiding doing so when there is heavy moisture.
  • Be sure to clear all leaves and debris as they can prevent aeration and growth as a result.
  • Don’t overfeed the lawn.

Generally speaking, it’s best to rest the lawn as much as possible during winter so the less you do the healthier your lawn may be, and that’s of course one of the main reasons why so many homeowners choose to buy turf from us in the New Year.


Turf can be laid all year round

We know there are plenty of articles online with contrasting opinions on “the best time to lay a lawn”, however, the simple fact is that turf can be laid at any time, but it’s vital that you invest in the best quality topsoil and turf, and that’s where we can help. We supply a huge range of turf products as well as topsoil and grass seed, so whether you require turf that can thrive in shaded areas, or desire an all-round turf to create a stunning garden, we can provide the perfect turf that will keep its vibrant colour all year round.


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