Some Recent Testimonials

Bedford 01234 714 555 | St Albans 01727 821 765

Some Recent Testimonials

May 26, 2020     

As you know, its been a really tough few months across the UK for families and businessess due to the extent of the CoronaVirus pandemic. Here at George Davies Turf, we kept our doors open and went about our business in a safe manner. And we’d like to thank those that stuck with us during this time. Here are a few comments and testimionals we’ve recieved over the past few months.

We thought to put these together as everyone here at the company rallied together to help our customers and clients with their needs. We are proud to have served our clients during this most unusual time.

Dont forget, we are now open for collections (at scheduled times) and deliveries are taking place as per usual.

We thank you for your patience during this time – and we will continue to be vigilant and take the neccessary precautions to ensure our customers are served, and most importantly are happy !










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