The Benefits of Installing Wild Flower Turf

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Transform Your Yard: The Benefits of Installing Wild Flower Turf

July 31, 2024     

Since the 1930s, we have witnessed a dramatic decline in our wildflower meadows, with nearly 97% lost to urbanisation, agricultural practices, and other land-use changes. This loss has had significant ecological repercussions, diminishing habitats for a wide range of wildlife and reducing biodiversity. Despite these challenges, there is a growing awareness among the people of the UK regarding environmental conservation and the importance of biodiversity. This shift in consciousness is driving efforts to create more biodiverse areas, particularly in private and corporate gardens, which collectively represent a significant portion of urban green space.

One effective method of enhancing garden biodiversity is the installation of wildflower turf. This increasingly popular alternative to traditional grass lawns not only provides a visually stunning landscape but also supports local wildlife, enhances biodiversity, and is relatively easy to install.

What is Wild Flower Turf?

Wild flower turf is an innovative landscaping product designed to create vibrant, biodiverse areas of wildflowers with ease and efficiency. It consists of a blend of 27 carefully selected annual, biennial, and perennial wildflower seeds, such as oxeye daisy, cornflower, red clover, and complementary grasses rooted into a biodegradable matting material. These seeds are chosen to ensure a succession of blooms throughout the summer months, providing essential nectar for pollinators and seeds for birds. Adding native grasses provides structure and support for the wildflowers, chosen for their compatibility and ability to thrive throughout the year.

Unlike traditional lawns or flower beds, wildflower turf combines the aesthetics of natural meadows with practical benefits, offering a sustainable and visually appealing alternative for gardens, public spaces, and even corporate landscapes.

The Benefits of Installing Wild Flower Turf

It’s Super Easy to Install

One of the most appealing aspects of wildflower turf is its straightforward installation process, which mirrors traditional turf. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Prepare the Site: First, clear the area of any existing vegetation, debris, and weeds, and then lightly rake the soil to create a suitable bed for the turf.
  • Lay the Turf: Unroll the wildflower turf just like traditional turf rolls, then snugly press each strip against the next, ensuring no gaps.
  • Water: After laying the turf, water it thoroughly to help it establish. Continue watering regularly, especially during dry periods, until the plants are well-rooted.

Once established, wildflower turf requires minimal maintenance. Occasional watering during prolonged dry spells and annual mowing in late summer or early autumn is usually sufficient to encourage new growth and seed dispersal.

Supplies Nectar to Pollinators

Wildflower turf supports UK pollinators, including bees and butterflies, which are vital for pollinating crops and maintaining healthy ecosystems. The diverse array of native wildflowers, such as red clover and oxeye daisy, are abundant in nectar and pollen, attracting various bee species and butterflies.

Wildflower species are carefully selected to guarantee blooms at various times throughout the growing season, ensuring a constant food supply for pollinators. In addition, the dense and varied plant structure offers insects shelter and breeding grounds, enhancing their chances of survival and reproduction.

Installing meadow turf can greatly benefit various types of UK wildlife. Just one acre of wildflower meadow can support up to 96,000 bees on a single summer day, highlighting the significant impact wildflower turf can have on boosting pollinator numbers.

Provides Essential Food for Seed-Eating Birds

Wildflower turf is a critical food source for seed-eating birds, particularly during the winter when other food sources are scarce. Wildflowers like teasel, knapweed, and sunflowers produce seeds that are valuable food resources for birds, such as goldfinches and sparrows. The variety of seeds available from different plant species supports a broader range of bird species, contributing to a more balanced and healthier ecosystem.

Wildflower turf also encourages natural foraging behaviours, reducing the reliance on artificial bird feeders and promoting natural feeding habits.

Creates a Safe Habitat for Animals

Wildflower turf provides a safe and nurturing habitat for various animals, contributing to a thriving and diverse ecosystem. The dense growth of wildflowers and grasses offers protection and shelter for small mammals such as hedgehogs, field mice, and amphibians from predators and harsh weather conditions.

Many animals also use wildflower turf as breeding grounds, taking advantage of the shelter and food resources available. For example, butterflies and moths lay their eggs on specific host plants found in wildflower areas.

Low Maintenance

Wildflower turf typically needs mowing once or twice a year, preferably in late summer after the plants have set seed. Less watering is required compared to traditional lawns, as wildflowers are drought-resistant and can survive on natural rainfall, making them ideal for sustainable gardening.

While some weeding may be necessary during the establishment phase, mature wildflower meadows tend to suppress weeds naturally due to dense planting, reducing the need for herbicides.

Connects People with Nature

Gardens filled with wildflowers offer aesthetic pleasure and a sensory experience that fosters a deeper connection with nature. Wildflower meadows helps to improve general well-being, reduce stress, and enhance mental health.

Wildflower turf is a beautiful and sustainable alternative to traditional lawns. It is easy to install, significantly enhances biodiversity, and looks fantastic. Create a vibrant, living landscape that supports the wildlife in your garden and shop Wild Flower Turf from as little as £20.00 per m2.


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