Turf Tips for June

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Turf Tips for June 21

June 09, 2021      Turf Tips

On average in the UK, June is the sunniest month of the year, and we’ve already had a bright start, with above-average temperatures and plenty of sunshine.

It may feel like late summer with many families flocking to Britain’s many glorious beaches but there’s plenty of work for us all to do in our gardens. June is all about the regular maintenance of plants, and this is no different for turf.

Cut the grass every week

If possible, try to cut the grass at least once every seven days. You will find that June’s bliss blend of sunshine and rain helps your grass on its journey to full health, but regular and consistent mowing is a must. If you have a busy week and the grass has grown considerably, it’s best to cut the grass in two passes rather than one. This will give you a fine cut, which encourages growth.

Find time for feeding

We may not have officially entered summer as yet (Summer 2021 in the Northern Hemisphere will begin on Monday 21st June); however, in terms of weather conditions, it’s essentially the start of summer with barbecue season well underway. The warm weather offers the perfect opportunity to strengthen your lawn by feeding. Of course, turf needs to be well cared for to truly thrive, so you need a high-quality fertiliser to repair any damage and ensure your turf remains strong and resilient. Our fertiliser uses an advanced formula and provides a slow release for maximum impact. This means nutrients are released slowly over time, allowing for even coverage at a low application rate.

Aeration elevates colour, growth and density

We all want a lush green turf that’s dense, tough and easy on the eye. If you’ve yet to aerate your lawn, now’s the time. A lawn should be aerated at least once every year. Spiking the turf with a garden fork may sound like a simple task, but the impact is significant. By doing so, you allow stale Carbon Dioxide out of the soil whilst inviting fresh Oxygen rich air into the soil. In addition, the action of aerating encourages root growth and boosts nutrient uptake.

Keep your lawn weed-free

Whilst your turf will be well on its way right now, so will those infuriating weeds. Depending on the number of weeds you have within your lawn, you may want to apply a weed killer to specific areas (spot treatment) or by removing any obvious large weeds with a weed-puller enabling you to get an adequate grip on the roots. If your situation is worse, a full treatment can be carried out; however, we wouldn’t recommend you do this more than twice per year. Keep an eye on the weather too and choose the day you carry out a full treatment wisely because you should pick a slot when it’s unlikely to rain for at least 6 hours.

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