RTF Turf

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What Are The Advantages Of RTF Turf Over Other Turf Types?

July 16, 2024     

Trident, Greens, Shade Tolerant, RTF Turf – there are so many different types of turf available. But what’s the difference between them, and which is the best type of turf for your garden project? We’ve decided to put some focus on one of the more underrated turfs: Rhizomatous Tall Fescue. However, once you read our list of benefits for RTF, your opinion, like many others, might change!  

What Is RTF Turf? 

RTF stands for Rhizomatous Tall Fescue. That’s a bit of a mouthful, hence the shortened version of RTF turf! But it gets its name because of the rhizome roots it grows. Whereas most grass roots grow down into the soil, rhizomes branch out, producing more shoots stretching outwards to source water and nutrients. This creates a robust root system that boosts a range of health benefits for your lawn. RTF is the only type of turf to produce rhizomes, making it a reliable, durable, and eco-friendly turf option for many locations.  

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Why We Love RTF 

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance, sustainable, premium-looking turf, you’re in the right place. Here are 8 reasons why RTF turf is the best type of turf for your next landscaping project. 

  1. It can withstand high traffic 

Fescue is naturally one of the toughest types of turf out there. It’s why it’s often found in grass seed mixes and is in our premium Trident Turf. Combined with the rhizomes in RTF, they combine to create a strong and highly-resistance turf. Providing a hard-wearing surface that is weather resistant and can withstand extreme weight, footfall and general day-to-day use.  

2. Impressive drought tolerance 

By establishing a stronger and deeper root system, RTF is self-reliant in sourcing the water it needs to thrive. Meaning that during the height of summer, and even hosepipe bans, RTF turf keeps itself hydrated. Not only does this give you a continuously green, healthy-looking lawn, but it can adapt and flourish in different types of soil.  

3. A sustainable turf solution 

Because RTF is exceptional at sourcing its own water supply, you don’t have to water it as much, which helps the environment and saves you lots of time. Better yet, with a constant underground water supply, your grass remains sturdy and healthy with a thick, lush sward. These better conditions require less human interference or chemical enhancements such as fertilisers or overseeding 

4. Be amazed at its self-repairing abilities 

RTF is known for its rapid repair skills. Again, due to its integral root system, it can source the nutrients it requires to help your lawn survive various weather conditions and fight off lawn diseases. It regularly produces new grass shoots to thicken the sward and refill patches. This helps reduce weed invasions and avoid the task of overseeding. 

5. Enjoy a dense sward 

One of the favourable attributes of this turf is its stunning appearance. If you want your outdoor space to boost a thick green carpet all year round, RTF is the perfect turf choice. In various soil types, landscapes, and weather conditions, RTF consistently grows long, thick, and tough grass blades, creating a flawless finish to your garden. 

6. A self-established, robust root system 

All of the benefits of this turf stem down to one significant feature: its incredible root system. Not only do RTF roots grow to a depth of 1.5m, but the rhizomes they produce grow outwards, expanding the root’s search for water and nutrients to feed your turf.  

 7. It’s a low-maintenance turf 

For gardeners or landscapers looking for an instant lawn with little maintenance, this turf is precisely what you need. Once fully established, it can be left to its own devices, producing strong, fresh, healthy grass throughout the year. With minimal watering or weeding required, simply keep on top of the mowing and enjoy a low-maintenance turf. 

8. Enjoy green grass all year long 

RTF tends to offer healthier turf overall. With its own access to water, oxygen, and nutrients, it maintains a good-looking, vibrant green colour throughout the seasons. Its quick, self-repairing ability helps reduce bald patches, and its high drought tolerance avoids any Sahar-dessert-looking lawns in the summer. 

Where Can I Use RTF Turf? 

Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF) is a fantastic turf choice for any location or landscaping project. Available in one or 200 rolls, we can deliver your RTF precisely where you need it to transform your outdoor space. Popular places where this turf is used include domestic gardens, communal spaces, parks and sports fields, and school playgrounds. RTF also has a high salt tolerance, meaning it’s an excellent turf option for seaside landscaping.  

RTF Turf Suppliers Near You 

The great news is that we work with the best turf farmers in the UK to supply our customers with premium Rhizomatous Tall Fescue turf. You can order RTF turf online or by contacting our friendly customer service team. Not sure how many rolls of RTF you need? Head to our handy turf calculator before ordering your RTF turf. We’ll then arrange to deliver your order from the turf fields directly to your site.  

Popular RTF FAQs 

Does RTF use less water than other turf varieties? 

Yes! That’s one of the advantages of Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF) turf. With its extended root system, RTF can seek water deep within the soil. This means it has an excellent drought tolerance as it can source water even during heatwaves to maintain a luscious-looking, vibrant lawn. Furthermore, seeking water from underground minimises your need to water it.  

What’s the best fertiliser for RTF? 

The beauty of Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF) turf is that it requires minimal fertiliser. However, if your lawn is struggling, a slow-realising fertiliser will be most beneficial. To regrow your RTF turf, use our Envy Spring/Summer fertiliser. To help protect your RTF turf during the winter months, opt for our Nourish Autumn/Winter fertiliser. 

What are the disadvantages of RTF? 

The main disadvantage to Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF) turf is that it can take some time for those super roots to anchor in and fully establish. When you first lay your RTF, like any turf, it’ll require regular watering.  

Does RTF spread? 

Yes. Rhizomatous tall fescue (RTF) grows roots that can reach as deep as 1.5m but also produces shoots (rhizomes) that spread laterally throughout the soil. This strengthens its root system, sourcing more water and nutrients to produce thick, healthy grass and enabling it to repair quickly.  

What is RTF? 

Rhizomatous tall fescue (RTF) is a type of turf available for domestic gardens and landscaping projects. It’s a popular choice for its durability, ability to repair quickly, drought tolerance, and lush, green appearance all year round.  

What does RTF stand for? 

RTF stands for Rhizomatous Tall Fescue. Rhizomatous refers to the unique roots this type of turf produces; they extend outwards and down to form an intricate and robust root system. Fescue refers to the kind of grass seed within this turf, with fescue being one of the best grass seeds for healthy turf and professional-looking lawns.  

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