Which direction Should I Cut My Grass?

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Which direction Should I Cut My Grass?

July 27, 2023      Turf Tips

Cutting your grass is an important part of your turf’s health and influences the overall appearance of your garden. When mowing becomes a reoccurring gardening task, especially during the warmer months, you want to ensure you’re cutting your grass the right way. But which is the correct way to mow your lawn? Should you mow up and down, side to side, uphill or downhill?

When it comes to cutting your grass, there are a lot of questions which this article should help answer.


Both will effectively cut your grass, but the best direction comes down to your mower; you want to mow in the opposite direction to whichever side your mower disperses grass clippings. Ideally, you want grass clippings to fall onto the freshly cut patch of grass and not over the non-mowed area, as this could create an uneven finish.


You might get into a set routine with the way you mow, but it’s better for your grass to mix up the path you follow. Your grass will naturally grow in the direction you cut it which will eventually bend and flatten your grass. Switching up your mowing route each time allows your grass to grow in different directions; building stronger, more resilient blades. Sticking to the same mowing pattern can also cause your soil to compact, in turn reducing the amount of water and airflow reaching the grass roots and impacting their health. It can also get a bit boring, so have a little fun with your mowing patterns.

Sticking to the same mowing pattern can also cause your soil to compact, in turn reducing the amount of water and airflow reaching the grass roots and impacting their health. It can also get a bit boring, so have a little fun with your mowing patterns.



Mowing your lawn shouldn’t be tedious; it’s a great excuse to be outside, soak up the sunshine and give your turf some much-needed TLC. If you’re looking to try a new mowing pattern, here are some of the most popular choices:

Regimented Rows

As the majority of domestic gardens and public areas are square or rectangular, rows tend to be the most common lawn pattern. It’s a fast and efficient process which involves fewer turns, so we understand why. With rows, we recommend starting at the edge of the longest side of your lawn and mowing parallel until you reach the other side. 

Concentric Circles

These are ideal for circular lawns, obviously. Once you choose the direction to mow (clockwise or anti-clockwise), you’ll find it easier to manoeuvre your mower as all the turns will be in the same direction. Mow from the outer edge, inwards, to create neat, concentric circles – this looks tidy around trees and flower beds too. 


Spirals could be the solution if your garden or commercial lawn has a unique shape. Similarly to circular mowing, you start at the outer edge and mow inwards. Once you reach the middle, you turn your mower in the opposite direction to reach the other side of your lawn, creating an ‘S’ shape. 


Have you ever wanted to mirror your favourite sports pitch in your back garden? Grass stirpes allow you to achieve this, delivering a premier league finish. Stripe mowing comes down to how the light reflects off the grass blades; darker stripes bend towards you as you mow, whilst the lighter stripes bend away towards the sun. This may take a few attempts, but a higher mowing setting can help achieve this look. 




Mowing your grass is a regular gardening task, so find a way to mow which fits your lifestyle, gets the most from your lawn and you actually enjoy. Things to consider when choosing the direction to mow your lawn include:


  • How much time do you have
  • The size of your lawn
  • The length of your grass
  • Picking a pattern you can maintain
  • Obstacles such as patios, paths, trees or flowerbeds




Contact our team today if you need any hints, tips or advice on the best way to mow your lawn. We want you to get the most from your turf and one way to do so is by understanding the importance of mowing correctly. 

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