Combined Calculators

Bedford 01234 714 555 | St Albans 01727 821 765

Please use the calculators below to calculate all of your turf needs

Turf Calculator

To work out how much Turf you will need for your project simply follow the instructions below. Please note that we would recommend adding 5% to the overall quantities for shaping and cutting overlap. 

1.) Choose your unit of measurement, from here you can select from metres, feet or yards.
2.) Choose your garden shape that you feel best matches your area.
3.) Enter the dimensions required.
4.) Once completed, click the ‘Calculate’ button and you will see how many rolls of turf you will need, along with the total area in m2. 

Choose measurement units

Choose garden shape

Enter Dimensions

Bark Calculator

To work out how much Bark you will need for your project simply: 

1.) Choose your unit of measurement, from here you can select from metres, feet or yards.

2.) Enter your projects dimensions.

3.) Select the appropriate units of depth, you can choose from cm or inch.

4.) Enter your desired depth.

5.) Select ‘calculate’ and you will see the volume of the area along with the amount of bags you require. 

Choose measurement units

Enter Dimensions

Choose depth units

Enter Depth

Topsoil Calculator

To calculate how much topsoil you will need for your project simply:

1.) Choose your unit of measurement, from here you can select from metres, feet or yards.

2.) Enter the dimensions of the ground you will be working with.

3.) Set a unit of depth, you can select between cm or inches.

4.) Enter your desired depth.

5.) Select ‘calculate’ and you will see the volume of the area along with the calculation of tonnes required.

Choose measurement units

Enter Dimensions

Choose depth units

Enter Depth

Grass Seed Calculator

To work out how much grass seed you will need for your project simply:

1.) Choose your unit of measurement, from here you can select from metres, feet or yards.

2.) Choose your desired seeding type; this can be either sowing or overseeding.

3.) Enter the dimensions of the area you are working with.

4.) Once completed, click the ‘Calculate’ button and you will see the amount of Grass Seed you will need in KG.

Choose measurement units

Choose sewing type

Enter Dimensions

Gravel Calculator

To work out how much gravel you will need for your project simply:

1.) Choose your unit of measurement, from here you can select from metres, feet or yards.

2.) Enter the dimensions of the ground you will be working with.

3.) Set a unit of depth, you can select between cm or inches.

4.) Enter your desired depth.

4.) Once completed, click the ‘Calculate’ button and you will see the amount of gravel you will need.

Choose measurement units

Enter Dimensions

Choose depth units

Enter Depth

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