Buy RTF Turf

Bedford 01234 714 555 | St Albans 01727 821 765

RTF Turf

AS LOW AS £6.50 PER m2

Rhizomatous Tall Fescue is a mouthful to say so it is colloquially known as RTF, it is a more aggressive and stable turf in tough conditions hence its nickname “Trident Turf on steroids”. Its finer leafed than Trident Turf generally and as such has a different texture and complexion and as such isn’t as fetching to look at some points of the year. If you’re struggling with areas of drought or high footfall then RTF may be your answer due to its intense density. Please see below for more information on RTF

Photo credit: Brett Penny, Limebok Landscapes

Please Note: Orders for delivery need to be a minimum of 80 m2

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RTF Turf

RTF turf is designed to grow in the harshest of conditions where wear and tear is high. Commonly used as a suitable alternative to artificial lawns. It is widely used commercially, so at large footfall businesses, public spaces, open green spaces, parks and museums. The root is known to grow outwardly as well as down from the main plant and up to lengths of 1.5 metres in search of a water source. This is why it is perfect for those dryer parts of the UK.

RTF Turf Species

  •  Creeping Ryegrass
  •  Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
  •  Slender creeping red Fescues
  •  Chewings Fescue

RTF Turf offers tolerance to drought and waterlogging through its deep rooting capabilities. It extends into the sub soil if the ground conditions allow (i.e no hardcore or concrete). It provides excellent wear tolerance with added traction once established. Making it suitable for walkways or goal mouths on a football pitch. In summary, the RTF is normal grass on steroids: it is stronger, deeper rooting, more durable and has a coarser complexion sometimes. It is a higher value product than our Trident Turf and harder to source as it is specialist turf, but please give us a call and we will discuss your requirements and advise too what will best suit your needs.


Our website holds a week lead time – but if you need it sooner, please give us a call we can normally achieve a 2 working day turnaround for delivery.

All our rigid trucks are mounted with forklifts for ease of delivery – where access allows, we can deliver onto gravel driveways, the back of properties, and long narrow roads. Just ask us the question and we will happily help wherever we can. It is what we do!