Touch-Up Coating
Keep your Millboard decking looking fresh all year round with colour-matching Touch-Up Coating. Supplied in 500ml tins, Millboard’s touch-up paint neatens exposed cut ends of your decking or cladding to create a flawless look. It’s a useful add-on for any decking or cladding purchase, easy to store, and can be used as and when required.
We supply nine colour variants of Millboard's Touch-up Coating paint, including Antique Oak, Jarrah, Brushed Basalt, Limed Oak, Coppered Oak, Burnt Cedar/Embered, Smoked Oak/Driftwood, Golden Oak, and Vintage.
To create the appearance of natural timber, millboard adds secondary toning colours to their paint, which can cause slight colour variations from batch to batch. It will also depend on the age of your current decking or cladding and when you purchase your touch-up paint. However, Millboard works extremely hard to ensure their Touch-Up Coating is as true to its colour as possible, with any differences adding to the unnatural characteristics of the wood that they're replicating.
Each coating tin holds 500ml of your chosen paint. This should be plenty to coat the ends of a standard garden deck, but for larger projects, we recommend calculating how many boards of decking or cladding will be cut and, therefore, how much paint will be required.
We recommend keeping the coating in a cool and dry environment. A garden shed or garage should suffice. Ensure the tin is securely sealed after use to ensure it preserves until you next need it. When you reopen the tin, thoroughly mix the paint before applying it to your cladding or decking.