Making Your Lawn Work For You In The Autumn

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Making Your Lawn Work For You In The Autumn

September 21, 2021      Autumn Tips

In the Autumn, it’s important to attend to your turf as much as you can. Find out how after a long, hot summer, keeping up appearances is vital for both you and your clients!

“How to keep your lawn green in Autumn with these turf care tips”

As Autumn approaches, it is an ideal time to check on the health on your turf. With temperatures cooling and less sunlight weeds become less aggressive and easier to manage and the steady warm rainfall provides ample natural irrigation instead of cold-water sprinklers or hoses which can damage the lawn if not properly managed during drier periods.

In the Autumn season, it’s crucial that you take care of your lawn. You can do this by eliminating weeds, removing excess thatch on your grass blades to allow air and water to penetrate the soil more easily and aerating the ground so nutrients are able to get down deeper to be more beneficial for plant life. These tips will help keep your turf looking fresh and healthy.


Moss accumulates in the lawn particularly near fences and under trees during the summer. It covers the grass and prevents it from receiving the sunlight that it needs to thrive. Moss killer is an effective method to remove large amounts of weeds and moss and within two weeks you should start to see results, removing low hanging branches should prevent the return of moss.

How to remove moss?

Use your spring garden rake to pull away the moss build up, this can be added to your compost heap.


When a lawn is covered in grass trimmings, twigs, leaves and other garden debris it becomes thatch. This can make the soil hard which reduces drainage leading to an increased growth of weeds across your lawn. You should remove this with a rake then place the excess on a compost heap.

How to remove thatch from my lawn?

On a dry day, grab your garden rake and rake away the thatch build up making sure you get the tough parts deep in your lawn.


In the summer your turf and lawn get more footfall than other times of the year. During this time, high traffic areas can become heavily compacted which causes problems with drainage and new grass growth. To remedy these issues, use a Lawn Aerator to create air channels that reach deeper layers of turf whilst also applying a sandy dressing to the openings, this helps the water access below ground level.

How to aerate my lawn?

Best way to aerate your lawn is to get yourself an aerating tool. This makes bigger holes than a standard garden fork. Go around your lawn piercing the ground and clean up the excess soil.


The end of summer might have left your lawn a little more tired than usual, but don’t worry! alongside the above tips, fertilising it is an excellent way to help rejuvenate your grass. Our autumn fertiliser contains all the nutrients needed for a healthy lawn in the months ahead. Fertilizer works from below by helping roots produce those beautiful green blades.

How to fertilise my lawn?

Wait for a drizzly day, apply the right amount of fertiliser granules as shown on the instructions, using a handheld spreader can help give an even spread.


What height should I cut my lawn in autumn?

Through the autumn months you want to keep your sward height between ¾ and 1 ¼ inch.

How to get rid of worm casts?

This is the season where worms may become active, worm casts are easily brushed away with a dustpan and brush, if flatten by foot traffic, this can kill the turf underneath.

What should I do to my lawn in Autumn?

1 – Scarify your lawn from moss & Thatch.
2 – Remove excess over hanging trees & bushes.
3 – Aerate your lawn.
4 – Clean worm casts and excess soil.
5 – Apply Autumn/Winter fertiliser

Can you reseed in Autumn?

Autumn is a good time to reseed areas needing more attention.

Does my turf grow quicker in Autumn?

New turf in Autumn takes up to 6 weeks to root into the ground fully.

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