Frost on Grass - is Frost Bad for Lawns?

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Frost on Grass – is Frost Bad for Lawns?

November 17, 2023      Autumn Tips

Many homeowners see frost as a threat and worry it will damage the grass. However, light frosts can actually provide some benefits for lawns. When controlled, the effects of frost on grass are not always negative. Let’s examine how properly timed and tempered frosts can give your lawn a boost.

What Temperature is Too Cold to Fertilise Lawn?

October 29, 2023      Autumn Tips

Whilst there is no specific temperature threshold to keep in mind, it may be best to beat the frost. Generally, this will be around the middle of November but it depends; some years it’s much earlier. By fertilising before that initial temperature drop-off when the ground is frozen, you can ensure the grass roots are able to absorb those nutrients and benefit from them.

Will Fallen Leaves Damage Your Lawn?

October 23, 2023      Autumn Tips

Leaves falling on your lawn at home can be problematic if left to accumulate. But will fallen leaves actually damage your lawn? And what’s the most effective way to remove them?

Making Your Lawn Work For You In The Autumn

September 21, 2021      Autumn Tips

In the Autumn, it’s important to attend to your turf as much as you can. Find out how after a long, hot summer, keeping up appearances is vital for both you and your clients!

Top Turfing Tips for November

November 09, 2020      Autumn Tips, Turf Tips

There is no certainty with the weather, but many people believe that November is destined to be a difficult month because of falling temperatures and the amount of rainfall.

Planning For Autumn – Turf Tips

September 01, 2020      Autumn Tips

Autumn is considered the best time of year to keep a close eye on your turf. Temperatures are dropping, there is less exposure to the sun, but the turf is still warm. Rain is steady, and competition from pesky weeds is at the lowest point after summer.

Can You Lay Turf in Autumn?

October 29, 2019      Autumn Tips, Turf Tips

As we’re now very much into the Autumn season, one of the common questions we get is can turf be laid during the October / November months. The answer may surprise you, as the common consensus is that turf is usually laid under warmer climates, however with more moist conditions and less humidity – Autumn is indeed an ideal time to lay Turf!

Autumn Leaves, Autumn Lawns

October 06, 2017      Autumn Tips

The balmy summer days are gone and it’s time to start wrapping up and keeping warm. But what does the change in seasons mean for your lawn?